Remember the pressure of taking a test when the teacher was glaring at you, daring your eyes to roam. Cheating was not a temptation unless your were desperate and willing to risk the everpresent teacher catching you. However, the offering of online classes exploded in recent years. So what happens when you’re testing during online classes that’s the focus of this episode of Stats+Stories with guest Dr. Helaine Alessio.
Read MorePandemic Education History | Stats + Short Stories Episode 332 /
COVID is still well on our minds here at Stats+Stories, mainly it’s long-term outcomes on a variety of things in our everyday lives including just how much knowledge was lost on younger generations doing class via Zoom and more. That education gap or lack thereof is the focus of this episode with guest Melissa Thomasson.
Read MoreProctoring Problems | Stats + Stories Episode 313 /
Remember the pressure of taking a test when the teacher was glaring at you, daring your eyes to roam. Cheating was not a temptation unless your were desperate and willing to risk the everpresent teacher catching you. However, the offering of online classes exploded in recent years. So what happens when you’re testing during online classes that’s the focus of this episode of Stats+Stories with guest Dr. Helaine Alessio.
Read MoreSkew the Script | Stats + Stories Episode 308 /
Dashiell Young-Saver is a Texas based high school stats teacher. While teaching at a Title 1 school on the southside of San Antonio, Dash threw out his traditional AP Stats curriculum and created lessons on topics his students cared about: voter power, food deserts, the Spurs’s chance at winning the NBA title, online dating, and more. That year, more students at the school took and passed the AP exam than in the previous 16 years combined. Borrowing from his class motto of “skew the script,” Young-Saver created this website and posted his lessons online for free. Now, he leads Skew The Script’s efforts to provide relevant math lessons to classrooms across the country.
Read MoreCAUSE Lesson Plan Contest | Stats + Stories Episode 297 /
Dr. Dennis Pearl is a Professor of Statistics at Pennsylvania State University and Director of the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE). Dr. Pearl's education work centers on building a national infrastructure to support instructors of statistics, developing resources for instructors in both statistics and probability education, and developing and testing new pedagogical methods.
Megan Mocko is a lecturer who teaches Business Statistics for undergraduate and graduate students. Previously, she taught statistics in the UF Department of Statistics since 2001 and achieved Master Lecturer in 2013. In addition to her teaching, Megan has served as programming chair for the eCOTS (electronic Conference on Teaching of Statistics) 2020 and 2022. Megan’s involvement in the field of statistics education lead to her work as co-chair on the recently updated 2016 GAISE Guidelines report (Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education). Megan has taught introductory statistics in multiple formats: face-to-face, hybrid, and completely online. She has used different techniques to improve learning for students in face to face classes, with learning disabilities and in the online learning environment. She is interested in engaging all students through technology.
Contest Description
This contest is a call for lesson plans that make use of the Stats + Stories podcasts. The lesson plan should include the appropriate materials needed by both students and teachers.
As examples, a good lesson plan might include: instructions for the students to carry out the activity, instructor tips, learning objectives, time to complete the activity, resources needed to complete the activity, recommended course, recommendation for in-class or out-of-class use for the activity, and skills required.
The lesson plan should be accompanied by a grading rubric for any assessment.
Lesson plans should be submitted by January 1, 2024.
Along with cash prizes totaling $1000, the top winners will present their activity in a panel during eCOTS 2024 from May 28th to May 31st and have them posted on and
The lesson plans will be judged by a panel of educators. For more information check out
+Full Transcript
Just a Data Science Bill, Sitting Here on Capital Hill | Stats + Stories Episode 296 /
Donna LaLonde is the Associate Executive Director of the American Statistical Association (ASA) where she works with talented colleagues to advance the vision and mission of the ASA. Prior to joining the ASA in 2015, she was a faculty member at Washburn University where she enjoyed teaching and learning with colleagues and students; she also served in various administrative positions including interim chair of the Education Department and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. At the ASA, she supports activities associated with presidential initiatives, accreditation, education, and professional development. She also is a cohost of the Practical Significance podcast which we appeared on in May.
Steve Pierson is the Director of Science Policy for the American Statistics Association. In his role, he works to raise the profile of statistics (the scientific discipline), government statistics, and statisticians nationally. He also advocates on behalf of ASA members and for more engagement of statistics/statisticians and the need to invest in our data infrastructure, as it powers the economy and improves our health and wellbeing.
Read MoreLive From USCOTS 2023 Part 2 | Stats + Stories Episode 289 /
The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education, aka CAUSE has held the United States Conference on teaching statistics, also known as USCOTS every other year since 2005. This conference enables teachers of statistics to exchange ideas and discover how to improve their teaching. The theme of this year's conference was communicating with and about data, a topic near and dear to us on the Stats and Stories podcast. Two sub-themes are explored as part of this conference, helping students to communicate the process and results of their statistical analysis, and helping teachers to communicate with students in order to develop their understanding of statistical concepts and their ability to implement statistical methods for conversations with leaders and speakers at the United States Conference on teaching statistics were recorded on site. And we are happy to feature these in a collection of episodes of Stats and Stories with guests Kelly Spoon, Amy Hogan and Daniel Kaplan.
Read MoreLive From USCOTS 2023 Part 1 | Stats + Stories Episode 288 /
Kelly McConville is a survey statistician who develops estimation techniques that combine complex survey data with big data sources. Her work is used to estimate official statistics, related to canopy cover or occupational statistics, or to assess the impact of voter ID laws. She enjoys teaching her students how to learn from data and introducing them to R. She also involves her students in her work and co-chairs two national programs: the Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition and the Electronic Undergraduate Statistics Research Conference
Allan Rossman has worked in the Statistics Department at Cal Poly – San Luis Obispo since 2001. His primary classes include introductory statistics to students from throughout the university, and he has also taught courses in probability, simulation, and mathematical statistics.
Larry Lesser is a Houston-raised El Paso-based, award-winning educator, researcher, author, and speaker who integrates diverse backgrounds and multiple intersecting identities. For example, his passion for combining music and STEM made its way into his research, grantwriting, teaching, outreach, and service, and about 170 of his published poems and songs are STEM-related.
Episode Description
The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education, aka CAUSE has held the United States Conference on teaching statistics, also known as USCOTS every other year since 2005. This conference enables teachers of statistics to exchange ideas and discover how to improve their teaching. The theme of this year's conference was communicating with and about data, a topic near and dear to us on the Stats and Stories podcast. Two sub-themes are explored as part of this conference, helping students to communicate the process and results of their statistical analysis, and helping teachers to communicate with students in order to develop their understanding of statistical concepts and their ability to implement statistical methods for conversations with leaders and speakers at the United States Conference on teaching statistics were recorded on site. And we are happy to feature these in a collection of episodes of Stats and Stories.
+Full Transcript
LISA ColLABorations | Stats + Stories Episode 261 /
In many countries in the Global South, partnerships and collaborations are crucial to moving forward projects of various kinds. A network based at the University of Colorado Boulder has facilitated the creation of statistics and data science collaboration labs in 10 countries, The LISA 2020 Global Network and it's efforts are the focus of this episode of Stats+Stories with guests Eric Vance and Olawale Awe.
Read MoreDo University Rankings Really Tell Us Anything? | Stats + Stories Episode 255 /
University rankings are big business with highly ranked universities leveraging their ranking and marketing to prospective students, employees and funders. But the process of generating those rankings may not always be so sound that's the focus of this episode of Stats and Stories with guests Elizabeth Gadd and Adrian Barnett.
Read MoreData Science Pedagogy | Stats + Stories Episode 253 /
In the past, Introduction to Statistics classes spent a lot of time covering distribution tables, teaching students to run stats by hand and focusing on statistical procedures. However, educators are continually considering new ways to teach stats, and the increasing popularity of data science makes it a more urgent prospect for some. That's the focus of this episode of Stats and Stories with guest Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel.
Read MoreThe Impact of College Vaccine Mandates | Stats + Stories Episode 244 /
Last academic year colleges and universities across the US struggled with whether to mandate COVID vaccinations for their students. While colleges often require vaccines, the political controversy surrounding the COVID shots made adopting a vaccine policy a complicated undertaking. But according to one study, it had a profound impact on the national COVID death toll last fall. That's the focus of this episode of Stats and Stories with guest Riley Acton.
Read MoreSigning Statistics | Stats + Stories Episode 239 /
What is a median? How about an interquartile range? Don’t even get me started on how to define a p-value. These statistical concepts are hard to grasp for your average statistics student, but imagining how these types of definitions translate into American Sign Language is a whole other ballgame. That is the focus of this episode of Stats+Stories with special guest Dr. Regina Nuzzo.
Read MoreBecoming a Biostatistician | Stats + Stories Episode 230 /
Returning guest Conner Jackson walks us through a day in the life of the education and early career of a biostatistician.
Read MoreAcademic Writing for Everyone | Stats + Short Stories Episode 227 /
Rosemary and John both have a passion for teaching. Their experience with classes ranges from mentored studies with a few students, to face-to-face classes with close to 100 students. Recently online classes that might be held synchronously or asynchronously with classes somewhere in between. What if you wanted to offer classes too many more students, who might be based anywhere around the world. Teaching at scale is the focus of this episode of Stats+Stories with guest Kristin Sainani.
Read MoreIn Defense of Standardized Testing | Stats + Stories Episode 224 /
The utility of standardized testing is under debate in the US with opponents of their use in K-12 suggesting educators are now being forced to teach to tests. In higher education, there's been a push to abandon the use of standardized tests in admissions processes. But if we throw out standardized tests completely, are we throwing away a tool that still has some value? That's a question framing this episode of Stats and Stories with guest Howard Wainer.
Read MoreStatistician with a CAUSE | Stats + Stories Episode 218 /
One of the regular conversations we have at Stats and Stories is how to improve stats education, both for people who want to be statisticians, as well as for people who need to be able to understand data for their jobs or just to be able to go about their daily lives. The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education has been working on this issue for the last 20 years. Its work is the focus of this episode of Stats and Stories with guest Dennis Pearl
Read MoreGlass Ceilings in Academia | Stats + Stories Episode 199.5 /
The tenure track process at American universities is a grind – one shaped by the old adage to “Publish or perish.” But if a junior faculty member manages to successfully navigate the process – publishing as expected, learning to manage a classroom, participating in service – then they’re rewarded with tenure. Tenure is an almost permanent employment relationship at universities that’s designed to give faculty the freedom – because of their job security to pursue any area of inquiry they feel drawn to. The problem, of course, is that not everyone makes it through that grind. A growing body of research shows that women, though they receive more than 50-percent of all PhDs, are not making it through the tenure track process in the same numbers. That’s the focus of this episode of Stats and Stories with guests Michelle Cardel and Leslie McClure.
Read MoreSTATCOM | Stats + Stories Episode 191 /
Where are the best locations for food pantries? What are the patterns and use of a crisis call center? How can services be improved for the senior population of Wahtenaw County in Michigan? These questions share a common denominator, they represent data and analysis needs of community service organizations. Statistics in the service of the community is the focus of this episode of Stats and Stories with guests. Emily Morris and Tom Braun.
Read MoreThe Impact of Remote Learning | Stats + Stories Episode 188 /
Parents, educators, and activists have all raised concerns about the impact of COVID on the educational experience of students. For high school students, these issues are amplified as they consider graduation and what may come after. The impact of COVID on high school grades is a focus of this episode of Stats and Stories with guest Harrison Schramm.
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